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CBD Oil in Kentucky

Disclaimer: The following information is based entirely on our own independent research. While our team strives to provide accurate and current information from credible state-run websites and resources, we are not lawyers or legal experts. As such, none of the following information should be interpreted as legal advice.

A Roadmap to CBD in Kentucky

  • Hemp-derived CBD products are available in the state of Kentucky
  • The state does not boast as wide of a selection of CBD products as other states
  • With proper licensure from the KY Department of Agriculture, commercial farmers can grow hemp in Kentucky
  • Most hemp CBD products in Kentucky follow the guidelines set by the 2018 Farm Bill, meaning they contain less than 0.3% THC
  • There is still uncertainty about the quality of many products for sale in Kentucky CBD stores

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Folks Are Asking: Is CBD Oil Legal in Kentucky?

Folks Are Asking: Is CBD Oil Legal in Kentucky?

CBD guidelines vary from state to state, meaning the quality of CBD products that you find for sale varies dramatically depending on where you are in the country. For this reason, it’s crucial to stay clued up on all things cannabidiol — especially in Kentucky where things have been hit or miss in recent years.

That said, a lot of changes have been made regarding both industrial hemp and CBD (short for cannabidiol). CBD, of course, is a primary compound extracted from certain strains of hemp.  The 2014 Farm Bill provided guidelines for universities looking into the advantages of hemp cultivation, but more recently (in 2018), the Bill was updated to allow for a much wider scope of commercial hemp farming in the USA. Individual states now get the final word as to whether or not they want to allow farmers to grow the crop.

As for the Bluegrass State, hemp cultivation has actually become a staple commercial and agricultural commodity. For this reason, more and more people are asking questions about the quality of CBD oil in Kentucky. Many consumers are still worried about the quality of the products for sale in Kentucky CBD stores, and for good reason. Below, we explain what you can expect regarding the availability of quality CBD for sale in KY. We also detail how you can purchase the absolute best CBD products, and make sure you’re getting the most out of your money.

Are There CBD Laws in Kentucky?

Are There CBD Laws in Kentucky?


As we mentioned above, CBD is widely available in Kentucky. As such, it’s easy for consumers to purchase it. Most companies that sell products in KY are doing so under stipulations set forth in the 2018 Farm Bill. In other words, the majority of CBD oil in Kentucky comes from hemp and contains less than 0.3% THC. However, this does not address the ongoing issue with quality. Many companies are still selling items with the claim that premium hemp-derived CBD is used. In many instances, this is not the case. In fact, some CBD products for sale in Kentucky contain nowhere near the amount of cannabidiol that’s listed on the label.

For this reason, consumers must purchase from a reputable company. At PureKana, all of our products are made from the highest quality hemp, which we only source from USA farms. Our products are lab tested for phytocannabinoid (including CBD) content, and are also tested for the presence of things like pesticides and other undesirable chemicals. Additionally, we utilize state-of-the-art extraction techniques, which gives customers peace of mind in terms of the reliability and effectiveness of the CBD product they’re buying. Below, we outline several of the most popular USA-made CBD products that we have on offer here at PureKana.

Understanding Different Types of CBD Products


You might be able to guess what CBD edibles are. These products prioritize taste and flavor as much as they do the infusion of quality CBD. In fact, edibles are popular primarily because they taste delicious. Of course, they do boast other advantages as well. For example CBD edibles are discreet, meaning you can take them just about anywhere. PureKana CBD edibles also come in an extensive range of flavors and varieties, meaning there’s like a CBD product that will suit you and your specific needs to a ‘T’.


Simply put, CBD creams provide a way to take cannabidiol without having to ingest it. If you’re apprehensive about consuming a CBD product, then a topical might be a better idea. All you need to do is apply the CBD cream onto the desired area of skin. Our CBD cream is not only pleasantly-scented, but contains moisturizing elements that help to hydrate skin and alleviate dryness. In fact, our customers love our cream’s silky, smooth texture and its ease of use. We’ve also infused one of our popular roll-on topical CBD gels with menthol for a cool, refreshing feel. The menthol formulation is immensely soothing, and helps customers to relax after a hard day.


Vaping is a popular hobby in Kentucky nowadays – there’s no denying that. And to be sure, a substantial number of vapers have switched from regular vaping to vaping CBD and other hemp-derived alternative cannabinoids. These extraordinary new products (like our line of delta 8 vapes and our immensely popular HHC vapes), offer users an uplifting ‘hemp experience’ that has to be felt to be fully understood.


No matter where you’re at in Kentucky, probably the most common product you’ll see are CBD oral drops, aka CBD tinctures or CBD oils. These products remain so popular because they are versatile, efficient, and simple to use. Most users drop the oil under the tongue, but our tinctures may also be added to food or stirred into a beverage. At PureKana, we carry one of the most extensive ranges of CBD oils in terms of milligram strengths. Our products cater to CBD newcomers as much as they do seasoned CBD experts. Additionally, our flavors appeal to a wide range of palates and include Natural, Mint, Citrus, and Vanilla.

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Industrial Hemp in Kentucky

Industrial Hemp in Kentucky

Nowadays, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture oversees hemp cultivation in the state. After the Farm Bill was passed, the department established a cultivation program that allows farmers to apply for hemp licenses. All hemp - whether it is Kentucky grown or not - must contain no more than 0.3% THC content by dry weight. What does this mean in terms of the status of CBD oil in Kentucky? Well, consumers can purchase CBD products in many different locations across the state, including places like gas stations, hair salons, health food stores, and even some supermarkets. However, finding CBD that is of a certain quality standard is still difficult. There are few regulations on the current market, so whether you're talking about CBD edibles, CBD oral drops, or CBD creams, you need to take the time to do plenty of research to make sure you're investing in a quality brand that implements rigorous lab testing. At PureKana, we test each and every one of our products and make these tests viewable so you know exactly what you're getting, each and every time. We are committed to quality in a way that no other brand is, and we remain committed to manufacturing all of our products right here in the USA.



There are no shortage of options when it comes time to purchase CBD oil in Kentucky. And as the industry continues to expand in the state, more and more Kentucky CBD stores will likely begin to pop up.

To find CBD oil near you, you can, of course, go online and search for ‘CBD oil Kentucky’ in your browser. You’ll likely find a few stores, as well several online options that offer shipping to the state. However, instead of browsing through endless websites, we recommend checking out our USA-made range here at PureKana. In our online store, you’ll find the market’s best CBD-infused items. You can browse our entire collection at your leisure, and find what you’re looking for – no matter your personal needs.

Keep in mind that not all CBD brands are made equal; for this reason, you need to be careful when ordering cannabidiol online in Kentucky or in any other state. We work hard at PureKana to make sure your purchase exceeds all expectations; we give our customers extra assurance of our quality with third-party lab reports, which any reliable brand should be posting. If you’re thinking about buying CBD in Kentucky but can’t find a lab report for the product, then find another brand. It’s as simple as that.

Final Thoughts About CBD Oil in Kentucky

Hemp-derived CBD with less than 0.3% THC is pretty easily available in Kentucky. And with the hemp industry beginning to blossom in the state, accessibility is only growing. For this reason, consumers have lots of choices when it comes to CBD products. If you are interested in the highest-quality USA-made CBD products, however, we believe the best option is to purchase CBD online in Kentucky right here in the PureKana store. We have honest customer reviews on our site, and our customers can check our up-to-date lab reports to verify what’s exactly in the CBD product they’re putting into their body.

With these two things in mind, we have no doubt that you’ll find a product in our store you can enjoy. It’s nice to see a state like Kentucky that used to be strict on hemp, now embracing cultivation of the plant. It’s helping to remove some of the stigma surrounding CBD, and that’s something we will always be hopeful of.

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