Folks Are Asking: Is CBD Oil Legal in Wyoming?
In 2018, the federal government updated the U.S. Farm Bill to include a new version of the Hemp Farming Act. This Act allows farmers to cultivate hemp so long as the state they live in establishes a regulated cultivation plan that is approved by the USDA.
Fortunately for Wyoming residents, the state has “opted in” to the Hemp Farming Act; soon, commercial WY farmers will be able to plant, cultivate, and harvest hemp for the first time in generations.
What does this mean for the status of CBD oil in Wyoming?
Well, the state is actually quite friendly towards the use of CBD products, so long as they are derived from hemp. Residents in most WY towns will be able to find CBD products for sale, but we urge them to do plenty of research in order to find good, well-made products that are both effective and reputable.